Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Consider Sponsoring A Rafiki Child

Please read this letter from Sara Kiwanuka, the director and founder of Rafiki Africa Ministries and take some time to pray about sponsoring a child.

It costs $35 a month and makes a huge difference in the lives of orphans in Uganda.

When I was in Uganda this past summer, I will never forget the day that two of the girls got letters from their sponsors.  They carried them around with them and even slept with their letters in their beds.  They showed me the picture of the sponsoring family, and I asked who was in the photo.  The answer?  "My family."

Please contact sara@rafikiministries.org if you are interested in sponsoring a child or click here to learn more about the Rafiki children.

Dear Friends, 

I pray that everyone had a good Thanksgiving! I have lots to be thankful for this year. I was recently reminded of this verse by a friend, "Give thanks to the Lord for He is good; His love endures forever" (1st Chronicles 16:34). Don't you just love this verse? It really reminds us of God's goodness and never ending love for us! We have so much to be thankful for! We serve a GREAT God! :) 

During this time of thanksgiving, I am reminded of our faithful financial supporters. Thank you for your unwavering support....even through hard economic times! We would not be able to help these children without your love and concern. Thank you for being faithful in your giving and prayers. During the month of December, will you be faithful with us again and stand with us in praying for more monthly child sponsors? We would love to reach our goal of 100 monthly sponsors.

It currently takes 8-10 sponsors at each sponsor giving $35/month to support ONE child in the home. We currently have 13 children that we are caring for and have roughly 4-5 sponsors for each child. We would love to double the amount of sponsors that we currently have to reach our goal of 100 monthly supporters. We have a passion to serve these forgotten children. 

Everyday I spend in Uganda, I see children on the streets; children working for food; children receiving no education; children that don't know the love of a family or more importantly that Jesus loves them. God's heart breaks over this and ours should too. We feel that God has a greater plan for the ministry to help more hurting children but unfortunately we have to wait on finances. Finances are what always hold us back. I hate talking about finances and asking for money. But God has shown me His heart and passion to see these children accept Him and have life more abundantly (John 10:10). 

We have not received any new children into the home this past year. We are busting at the seams in our current home but don't have the resources to expand. I have been discouraged this past week as we have only received 1 new child sponsor during the last few months. However, God continues to remind me that He is faithful! I stand in obedience and faith knowing that He will continue to provide and expand the ministry to serve more children! 

God blessed Joseph and I with a vision that someday the ministry will own 100-150 acres of land with many children's homes, schools, medical facilities, vocational training, farming and animals, and even a soccer field for the kids to play on. He has blessed us with this vision but we are always unsure of how we will get there. Somedays the vision seems too BIG and we question how God will take us there. Thankfully we serve an AWESOME God where anything is possible! 

Prayerfully consider sponsoring a child this Christmas season! Help a Ugandan child know the true story of Christmas and Christ's love for us! If you are interested in more information about our sponsorship program and how it works, then please let me know.  


Sara Hamilton Kiwanuka 
Rafiki Africa Ministries
Kampala, Uganda