Monday 4 March 2013

Meet Joel!

Meet Joel!
Joel is very excited to be re-united with his younger brother, they are protective of each other and are each others best friends! Joel is a quiet, lovable, intelligent, funny and very sweet boy. He enjoys going to our local school, wanting to come back and do homework! He works hard on his lessons and loves sharing with us what he is learning – asking for homework almost every day! He loves reading books, telling stories and shading (drawing) and break dancing, Joel is very creative! Pizza and cake are his favorite things to make, Joel wants to be a chef when he grows up. Always wanting to help with chores or with the younger children, his compassion and quirky sense of humor bring so much to our home!
Joel was abandoned by both his parents. A local government official let us know that he was in need of a home. He was hungry and in desperate need of help when he arrived at Rafiki. Shortly after he came to us, we found out that he had a younger brother, Jerom - now Joel and Jerom are able to be together here at Rafiki, receiving the love and care that they both need! He was one of over 3 million destitute, orphaned children living in the streets and slums of Uganda. But Joel is NO longer one of these children because he is now part of our Rafiki Family where he receives all the love and care he needs!
 Funky Facts!
Favorite… Color: Blue Animal: Dinosaur
Food: Chicken and Rice
Game: Tag  Activity: Drawing/Dancing

Volunteer Corner
 Joel is such a sweet boy. There are many times when I look at him while he plays or does chores and he is your typical 6 year old- feisty and mischievous, playful and energetic- but there are times when I look at him and see something different that I have never seen in a boy his age. Joel was abandoned by his family a few years ago and though he’s so young, it will affect him for many years. I tried connecting with Joel. I played with him, yes, and we had fun together, but I never really connected with him.
   It wasn’t long ago that we took the kids on a nature walk. Joel walked straight up to me before we left, grabbed my hand, and didn’t let go one single time for the entire hour long walk. It was such a special time. We didn’t have to talk much. He only held my hand and squeezed tighter with every step. I feel like from that moment on he has really let me get to know him. His favorite animal is a giraffe and he gets a huge smile on his face when he sees a picture of one or when someone talks about them. He told me that he would do ridiculous things to get out of naptime (not in those exact words, of course)! Suddenly at naptime he loves doing dishes or has to go to the bathroom for over an hour. I’m pretty sure that if he knew who he was, Nat King Cole would be his favorite singer. He loves drawing power rangers and always makes sure to give them the world’s largest biceps! Joel makes me laugh every day! He has a sweet spirit and loves having quiet moments with those he loves. I love watching him grow. He is a blessing in the home and I’m so glad he is in my life!
                                                                     By Stephanie Madrid 
Childcare Worker 
  For the next few weeks we will be posting stories of all the kids here at Rafiki Africa Ministries (RAM). We want to give these kids a voice. There are more struggling kids here in Uganda than anyone is able to count. Here are the stories of 13 kids who's lives were changed by God through the work of RAM. We want to make you a part of this work, there is so much love and joy overflowing out of the Rafiki Home and we want you to experience this through these stories. We hope you can get to know the kids through these updates and we pray that you will fall in love with them just as we have. Be a part of the changes God continues to make in the lives of these kids. Make a difference. Spread the word.

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